Premature Ejaculation Facts (Global)

  1. You’re not aloneDid you know that approximately 1 in every 3 men suffer from Premature Ejaculation? 
    If  you do the math, our world’s population  6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.) divided by 3 equates to approximately 2,200,000,000. Then you get that number and divide it by half (estimating that half of our world’s population are males) and you get 1,100,000,000. 
    It is likely that one of your buddies also suffer from PE as well. However, since premature ejaculation is a sensitive subject subject for males, it is unlikely for men to discuss such matters with their circle of friends.
  2. There’s actually muscles down thereFor those of you who work out on a continual basis, you may know that without consistency, your muscles will be underdeveloped. 
    Well, that obviously means the opposite is valid–working out on a continual basis will yield stronger muscles. 
    So, the concept for curing Premature Ejaculation is quite logical–strengthen the muscle (Pubococcygeus Muscle many time referred to as PC Muscle) down there and wah-lah–bye bye premature ejaculation. However, the problem is not about understanding the concept of the cure, but rather performing the necessary actions to apply the concept. 
  3. Patience is a virtue. Remember when you were a kid and your parents used to tell you about the race between the hare and the tortoise? 
    Well, the important thing is to remember the moral of that classic fable–no matter how severely disadvantaged one is, with perseverance one still succeeds. So, when you guys are on your journey down that long dirt road, remember your diligence will pay off!
  4. Sleep is crucial. Lack of sleep leads to low serotonin levels in the brain. 
    When serotonin levels are low in the brain, the lower levels trigger your body to ejaculate more rapidly. Get a good night’s rest and make it a routine so you can get rid of your premature ejaculation once and for all!