Natures Best Kept Secret

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Sarawak Tribal Warrior
The Rain forest of Sarawak has been in existence for the last thousand years unfortunately in recent times, man has started to destroy it.

Scientists say the Rain Forest could hold many secrets and we may never know many of these secrets , as the Rain Forest is continuously exploited and will be gone sooner than we thought .

Perhaps two of the most well known plants found in the Rain forest of Sarawak are “Tongkat Ali and Gambir “. Believe it or not: both are said to possess asprodiasc qualities.

The effectiveness of Gambir is known and passed down for centuries, especially for the residents and tribesmen of Sarawak.The effect of the use has been proven to provide exceptional results and is cheaper than the cost of modern medicine, which is increasing higher.

Gambir is well known to be very effective in relieving dental pain. The tree bark can be grounded into fine dust and placed in a hollow molar. For about 5 minutes, the tooth will feel throbbing pain but the pain will gradually disappear little by little.

Gambir can also be used for temporary pain relief before brought to the hospital as the bite of infected animals such as venomous snakes, scorpions, or the sting of the fish such as catfish and others. For rural people in the Borneo states of Sarawak, Gambir is also used as the anesthesia during the piercing done.

Gambir’s popularity began to rise when the use of Clove is very effective for both husband and wife in intimate relationship. For centuries, tribal warriors of the Sarawakian rainforest, who are known for their formidable endurance during love-making, have been using Gambir to provide prolong pleasure to their partners.