Confidence cures PE

"The impossible is not Possible!"

Did you know that being confident about your body and self can actually help cure your premature ejaculation? It has been proven that when men began taking care of their bodies, their ejaculation latency time was extended. 

The experimental subjects were introduced to a regimen that included: working-out, eating healthy, incorporating better grooming regimens, and performing PE exercises. The results were extremely positive in helping fix the subject’s premature ejaculation.

Working out helped build the subjects self confidence. After several weeks of hitting the gym, subjects started liking their self image. Working-out also released endorphins in their brains. These chemicals exude the “positive feelings” of everyday life. With extra positive energy in their lives, the subjects were less anxious in the bedroom and were able to focus on sexual control.

Eating healthy helped heal premature ejaculation as well. Why so? Well, when the body was healthy it was able to perform more efficiently. This should be pretty self explanatory. A healthy subject provided their body with power and the well being to accomplish their sexual goals.

The men in the experiment also modified their looks by dressing more nicely and grooming themselves on a daily basis. These male subjects were looking good and feeling good! 

Not only was this beneficial for the subjects, they felt confident and improved their day to day decisions. This type of confidence allowed subjects to conquer their deepest insecurities (premature ejaculation). This was a crucial step for curing the subjects’ premature ejaculation.

The last but most important thing, is performing PE exercises on a daily basis. 

The PE exercises were necessary to develop stronger PC muscles in the subjects.

The techniques that were practiced included: visual exercises, stimulation, and pc flexes. The visual exercises required subjects to sit and meditate for 15 minutes a day and pictured themselves mastering the art of sex. The start and stop technique was also practiced 3 – 5 times a week.

It required the subject to masturbate or have intercourse and then pause right before ejaculation. The pause usually lasted for 10 - 30 seconds before stimulation was then continued and repeated. 

This process was usually repeated a total of 5 - 10 times depending on the subjects severity of premature ejaculation. These subjects were also performing kegel exercises (also known as pc flexes) 5 times a week on their drive to and from work.

If these male subjects were able to conquer it, you can do it as well!